Monday, March 30, 2009


As kids we thought birthday parties and saw visions of balloons, cake, presents, party hats and the birthday boy/girl...this week i attended a party with no balloons, no presents, no party hats...just biryani, booze and dessert!!...but it was essentially the same as the parties we attended as kids!!..When u look back u don't remember the events...but u see a blur of smiling faces, loads of laughs and alternately bullying and being bullied!!...

I am an extremely reluctant socializer and I surprised myself by how much fun i had!!..I was sharing the arm of the couch with Kinky when i got this (vodka+cranberry+appyfizz+ sprite+redbull)* 5 induced enlightenment!!...As i spotted them from behind Kinky i realised how cute each one of them is...So here they are in order of their appearance from behind Kinky's back!!
Arjun singh!!...aka the dude who buys the booze!!...i love him..he is one of the most genuinely sweet guys i have met!! (plus he loved my i love him more)

Arvind!!..I have always wondered why he has not been grabbed and pasted with a 'no trespassing' notice by a woman!!...that's one eligible bachelor!!(at least that's what i know ;)

Dilip and Upasana...Sunday marked the return of Dileef for 3mths n the non alcohol induced high of upsi!!...i guess distance does make the heart grow fonder!!

Josh and Emmi...the cool dudes!!...josh my chocolate craving twin and emmi who marched for animal welfare with me!!

Archana!!.. the lady of the house!!whispering gossip in my ear!!making sure everyone had a drink n that Kushang was not finishing all the food!!

Pstar!!...her first car giving her a bigger high than the alcohol!!...(or was it the drive with a certain individual)...hmmmm!!

Alekh!!...making sure I had a drink!! grrr!!..being himself..asking embarrassing questions!!..i think the word incorrigible was coined after alekh was seen in action!!

Nitin!!..rechristened shahid kapur for the night!!...lounging on the bean bag!!

Anant!!...a guy i have fought with even before i have met properly!!...n I'm so glad we have been given the chance to get reacquainted!!

Kinky!! boyfriend bashing-working lunch having-traffic jam phone call friend!!...ummaah!!

N the final spotting making me the happiest!!...Kushang moorthy...aka kirrr!!..aka my man!! wine glass in hand!!..the man who introduced me to all these lovely people...

And i realised that Im not part of the AGENCY the AGENCY is a part of who I am!! ;) [ couldnt help making a dramatic end!! ;) ]


Srinidhi said...

ahhh! the agency!! so miss agent D :D hehe!! i love the post cause it so cutely describes each of them! :) since i know all of them a little i relate a lil! :) p.s i especially like the humour (from behind kinky's back bit.)Ahem drama queen! :p A really sweet post!:) with lots of love, mast jokes ;) and of course a bit of you! :) ummaaah! keep writing! :)

Kushang Moorthy said...

Awww.. so cute.. didnt know you liked all my friends so much :)))
very nicely put post.. makes me wonder, whats stoppin us from using balloons, presents and party hats?? surly we havent grown out of them yet.. neways loads of b'day comin up :) 5 star for the PStar stuff aswell ;)

Sneha said...

Well well! It is nice to know that Kushang's dosts are interesting. I find it super difficult to be dosts with V's dosts. But he no wants to spend much much time with them. So! I am glad that way.
Oh! and My dosts love V very much. So much that I jealous:) Super warm post! :-*

Unknown said...


How can u think soo much looking behind kinky's back...
So how does it work?
U look behind him and everything goes blured or the time stops ?
I really like all ur posts..
Never dared to leave a comment.


shuuuu said...

:).. firstt offf i still have the whole baloon .. and colour paper .. and rasna budday faaarty :).. ask u r sisterr aka ballooon breaker :P.... and oh man the agencyy seeems so coool ... more bcoz they bulllyy :P.. i like bullying :P.. ehehehheh justt kidding ... and from what i hear they r a b unch of really happy and successfull and nocturnal people :)... so u fit right in i am sure :P... muaaahhhhh i know 2 agents :)... heheheh yaaay

Sandeep said...


My comment is not going to be as articulate as the rest...

I loved it.... more so because word "Kinky" was used the most, as compared to the rest...

This part of my life is called happyness - (ya from in pursuit of happyness)

and I know that it is not your birthday today...

u tried to fool me on kushangs day

beautifully worded post...

loads of love...


D!! said...

min!!..u r so the cutest!!...always giving compliment!! you..ummaah!!

Kush!!..stop calling them ur friends!!..its been 4 yrs..n i bitch about u to them so they be my friends now!!

Sne..i was also like that re..but kush is inseparable from these guys!! now i be their friend!!

D!! said...

aishu!!..thats fabulous!! if u give return gift also then im pakka comin to the next one!!..hehe!! ummmaah!!

Alekh!! all comment means more to me than yours!!..PS the thoughts came cos of the drinks u made!!

Sandeep!!..thanks for the comment re.. i do really value ur opinion!! u!!

shuuuu said...

D..... i do give return giftss .. ask nids about those torch penss she got :)......

Towards Harmony said...

The passage from strangers to friends had to happen sooner or later i guess.... Its nice to get the time and to take the time to make the transformation happen!!
totally agree with Sne!! Super warm post!!
Love reading you Mits!

D!! said...

thanks mish!!..i was passage that was so worthwhile...ummaah!!